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If you require a Phosphate Assessment for you planning application in Somerset you may well have been asked for a Nutrient Neutrality Assessment and Mitigation Strategy (NNAMS).
Southwest Environmental Limited have been working on the Parrett & Brue Phosphate Issue since its emergence late in 2020. We have dozens of reports lodged with Mendip District Council relating to Phosphates.
A Nutrient Neutrality Assessment and Mitigation Strategy will suggest one of two overall routes:
Typically this would be a treatment plant, filtrations system, and a constructed wetland. This is a good option if you have around 100m2 of spare space on your site (per house). However, these private drainage systems, can be contest on the back of the 30m rule.
If you are building in a town, or a smaller plot with no room for mitigation on-site, you will need to create an off-site scheme. This is best achieved via tree planting, to create woodland. Constructed woodlands are take up less space than woodland, but are more costly to implement and the choice of suitable locations is few and far between. For a woodland scheme you will require approx. 0.5 hectares per dwelling.
If you need a Nutrient Neutrality Assessment and Mitigation Strategy (NNAMS) for you planning application please do contact us for a fixed price quotation. Email our Bristol Office, with plans and we will quote a price. Our turnaround time is approx. 5 to 10 working days. We are fast and flexible workers.
Somerset Council is mostly cover by Wessex Water: Location of Wessex Water Sewage Treatment Works
Typically contents:
In the appendixes of the report you will find:
There are certain circumstances where you might not need an NNMAS, even though you have been asked to provide one. Reasoning:
An NNMAS is used to describe the changes on site, and derive a nutrient budget, it may also describe mitigation (such as tree planting).
After you have provided your NNMAS to Somerset Council (for example) they would use the NNMAS report to "inform" their SHRA. An SHRA repeats a lot of the information in an NNMAS, so in some circumstances you can skip the NNMAS and go straight to an SHRA.
The SHRA only route really only applies if you intend to but nutrient credits. For site where you intend to mitigate on site, then you will need a NNMAS.
There is also the added bonus with this method that if you can submit the SHRA directly (avoiding the NNMAS) then it will also take work load off of the planning department and speed things up. It is not unusual to have to wait months for the council to do an SHRA for you.