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UK Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Map

The below map shows information on all offshore Marine Protected Areas in the UK (beyond 12 nautical miles from baseline). These include Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), Scottish national MPAs, Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with marine components and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components.  This also includes sites that cross the inshore/offshore waters (territorial seas) boundary.


MPAs are areas of the ocean established to protect habitats, species and processes essential for healthy, functioning marine ecosystems. The purpose of an MPA is to protect and recover rare, threatened and important habitats and species from damage caused by human activities. In England, MPAs are designated to protect specific habitats or species (also known as ‘features’) and have conservation objectives which state what conservation outcomes the MPA is designed to achieve. There are 178 MPAs in English waters, covering 51% of inshore and 37% of offshore waters.