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Soils and Geology Impact Assessment

A Soils and Geology Impact Assessment that details the following:

  1. The condition of the site when you arrive.

  2. Incidents that may degrade the quality of the land during the life of the development, and practices put in to operation that may help maintain the quality of land.

  3. Quality of the land on close of operations at the site.

Of particular concern is that of Contaminated Land, it is important to ascertain before operation commence that the land is not contaminated from previous industries occupying the site.

This can be accomplished via  a Desktop Study which will define whether the land is is likely to be contaminated. If conclusive evidence can not be found from secondary data, then Soil Sampling can be used to give a quantitative description of soil quality.

It is vital to check whether your site is contaminated before you start or you could be left footing a large clean up bill (remediation) when you come to surrender your permit.

Earth Heritage Sites and Geological Conservation Review have important bearing on the Impact of a propose development.