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Waste Recovery Plan - Construction of Lakes

Whether it be drinking water for livestock or water for irrigation purposes, there is a steady demand for water on farms (see below graph).



This steady demand is mismatched with an unsteady supply. Rain fall is not equally spread throughout the year as was demonstrated in the dry spring of 2011 that saw stunted crop growth, and subsequent price rises in bedding and fodder in the autumn of that same year.



During drought crops can be irreversibly damaged leading to financial losses and economic instability both on national and local levels[3].

To counter act these extreme weather condition greater reservoir capacity is needed on farms, President of the National Farmers Union Peter Kendell has said;

“More reservoir capacity is needed on farms to cope with the unpredictability of weather patterns in      recent times”

The Environment Agencies Drought Prospects Report[4] aims to promote water security to farmers and other alike, having its own water supply Corton Wood Farm will be more drought resilient Reservoirs can be filled with surface water run-off during wetter periods to provide irrigation water during drier periods.


“The farming industry is also considering how it can become more resilient to dry weather . . . . . as well as considering building or enlarging their farm reservoirs.”


The Environment Agency recommends[5] the filling of reservoirs using winter abstraction which if over 20 m3 per day requires an abstraction licence.


Climate change[6] shows the UK becoming drier, and a growing population. Water ergo food security is of high importance. There is clear benefit from creating an embankment reservoir to supply stored to the farm. Not only will it decrease the farms sensitivity to drought but it will decrease loads on the water grid during times of drought.

[1] DEFRA - Irrigation Survey 2010

[2] Review of the 2010-2012 drought and prospects for water resources in 2013 - EA 2012

[3] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/

[4] https://Review_of_drought_report_2010_12.pdf 

[5] EA – Regulatory Position Statement - Filling irrigation reservoirs - 28 February 2012

[6] UKCP09


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Environmental Management System