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Climate change adaption is written in too so many areas of our day to day lives, that is it impossible to mention them all we deal mainly with the built environment and how to adapt building, planning and design processes so as to better with stand the negative impacts of climate change.
Climate change is sometimes called "Global Warming" this is a bit misleading as it would suggest that it only involves the warming of the planet, but in fact it should be called something like "global weather severity increase", this is a terrible name so it is no surprise it is not used, but climate change will result in weather and short term climatic phenomena becoming more pronounced.
When we say rainfall we mean precipitation of any kind in the UK.
The increase in rainfall severity is perhaps one of the most important
factors in designing against climate change and making a successful
adaption strategy.
At present a 40% allowance is applied to account for the effects of climate
change, any thing that moves, stores or can be affected by rainwater must account
for this
climate change allowance.
This has an impact on
flood risk and
surface water drainage, but also
rain water harvesting.
The adaptation procedure works by using past records to very carefully
work out the required storage, pipe sizes, flow capacities etc. we then
add on 40% to account for climate change.
In reality this is a fudge factor that simplifies the process, a bespoke
climatic model would be the most accurate, but this is rarely cost
effective unless the project is of a very large scale.
Image: Anjana Menon anjimenon [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
It surprising that even when considering somewhere temperate like the UK, that we might see a temperature range of 101.9 °C in the future.
The highest air temperature recorded at any of the selected stations during the period 1961 to 2010 was 38.5°C, at Faversham in Kent on 10 th August 2003. This is also the record highest temperature ever recorded in the UK. A 1:10,000 year return value maximum temperature for August is 50.6°C. Climate change adaption studies suggest addition of 8.1°C to maximum temperatures.
lowest temperature
recorded at
any of
the selected
stations during
the 1961-2010
period was -27.2°C on 10th January 1982 at Braemar, which is located on
the A93 road in Aberdeenshire,
Scotland. It also
equals the
lowest temperature recorded
in the
UK. A 1:10,000 year return
value minimum temperature for January is -51.3 °C.
Based on
above observations a temperature range of 101.9 °C, should be considered.
River flow is closely linked to rain fall, and as such a 40% allowance in channel flow is applied to all flow to account for climate change. Even in very small catchments with a steep sided valley this can translate as a 4 or 5 meter encroachment past recent model flood zone boundaries.
Case Study: We have provided advice to managers of NHS critical infrastructure, that are sited adjacent to a small river. The advice included a schedule of improvements to project the facility against predicted flood events over the next 25 years. Our recommendation past 25 years was that the site should be moved to within a carefully selected new site in flood zone 1.
Local data and national standards are typically used to derive site wind speed data. It is recommended that a 10% allowance be added to account for climate change allowances as per Government Guidance.
example local stations such as: Met office Station Bingley SAMOS indicates
annual average wind speed is 8.9 knots (4.6m/s). Monthly averages are highest in
January with monthly average of 11 knots (5.7 m/s).
speed is an extremely important factor to consider especially when exacerbated
by funneling. There have been incident in
Leeds relating to wind funneling
from tall buildings, in one instance a
Lorry was blown over killing a pedestrian. This thought to have required a
gust in excess of 60mph (26 m/s).
strongest ever winds in the UK have been recorded on mountains, the strongest
ever gust was 150.3 knots (77 m/s) recorded at Cairngorm Summit on 20 March
If a business plans to invest in a site whether new of existing it is wise to check that these new assets will be "proofed" against climate change. Stronger Winds, Greater Risk of Flooding, and Higher Temperatures all need to be designed against to ensure the sustainability of you operation.
In the same way that businesses should consider increased risks to property, the insurance services no doubt will need to revise their risk assessments of particular areas. By example:
examining flood risk we typically turn to the flood risk maps at .gov and check
whether a property is with Zones 2 or 3.
recently we have seen the Environment Agency applying a 40% climate change
buffer to these flood zones, which means that properties that are currently
mapped as being in zone 1, are in fact within zone 2 or 3.
In this
way an insurer could provide insurance for a “low risk” property which is not
low risk at all.