London |
02076 920 670 |
Exeter |
01392 927 961 |
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01612 970 026 |
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01173 270 092 |
Southwest Environmental were asked to write up an Aspect and Impacts Register for ISO14001 for a company near Exeter who had identified a need for an Aspect and Impacts Register after a Stage 1 Audit from BSI.
I thorough study of the companies impacts was carried out, and a scoring system used to rate each impact in order of importance. This helps to prioritise efforts in reducing emissions.
Typical chapter:
Impact & Aspect Sources
Electricity generation creates
emissions. At present taking in to account the “mix” of electricity in the UK
grid each KWh of electricity supplied creates 0.434 kg/KWh of CO2[1],
a catalyst for global warming. Of course there are other
emissions as well, such as Sulphur Dioxide, and Oxides of Nitrogen especially
from coal fired power stations. At present around 90% of UK electricity comes
from non-renewables.
It is unclear as to proportions of
demand attributed lighting, machinery and IT / IT infrastructure.
Impact & Significance
2011 saw a total electricity
consumption of 416,246 kWh, with 2012 see the total as 408,172 kWh. It is not
possible to estimate trends from such a limited data set. However, electricity
usage remains fairly constant throughout the year suggesting there is very
little in the way of electric space heating.
Carbon emissions total approximately
180 tonnes per annum.
Frequency |
Severity |
Impact |
Normal |
4 |
3 |
12 |
Abnormal |
- |
- |
- |
Emergency |
- |
- |
- |
Aims & Objectives
Efforts should be made to reduce the
carbon intensity of Southwest Environmental's electricity supply. The quickest
way to achieve this without significant investment is to switch to a low carbon
energy tariff. Care must be taken when choosing a tariff, as they are not always
as "green" as they appear, at the time of writing it would appear that
Ecotricity are a preferable option.
In the long term renewable energy
options could be considered on site especially in the form of photovoltaic
cells. The DECC’s feed in tariff could be used to decrease payback time of what
would be a sizable capital outlay; alternatively roof space could rented to a
solar energy firm.
It may also be possible to make
efficiency savings. When replacing equipment the most efficient variety should
be sought. For example “A” rated electrical appliances.
An air compressor feeds tooling in
the workshop area, the design of this system should be inspected to see if
improvements can be made.
At present >90% of power usage
remains unaccounted for further assignation is needed.
If you would like any help
writing up your Aspects and Impacts register then please give SWEL and ring
or email us. We are happy to talk about energy saving techniques, and the
best way to get started in writing up you Aspects and Impacts Register.